Welcome! International Guests..

I am Scott, nickname is Hippo.
I was a engineer who make embedded computer programs in Taiwan for 8 years.
The Blog is made to document those things happened in my 30-years-old gap year in Australia and around.
I write them down to remind me the days when I was a Working-Holiday-Visa backpacker and share the exciting exprence to everyone.
Hope you like it!

P.S. All articles are wrote in traditional chinese but you can use the translation button on top-left for your convience.


2009年2月21日 星期六

2009.02.20 Wogga肉廠工作第四日 準備放假


中午接到PADDY的電話,跟我談一些墨爾本之行以及幫忙帶東西的細節,真的很感謝他,離鄉背井其實裝備永遠都不夠,出來才知道缺這缺那,家又是那麼遙遠,要拿到補給品不是那麼簡單,但是有朋友要從台灣過來那是最棒的,重點是他還會幫我帶電腦,嘿嘿,終於可以讓辛苦四年的ASUS W6退役了,再想想看請他幫我灌什麼軟體,總之超感謝PADDY的。

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